Friday, December 24, 2010

Hearinng Back To Normal After Infection

Continue mobilization, to unite struggles!

for a general strike against those who want us to pay for their crisis
For a "Forum of the opposition Social

The mobilization of female students and students across the country have shown once again that the fight is charged! It is clear that the postponement of the vote on the so-called "reform" Gelmini is not the result of operations of the palace, but the protest has grown in recent weeks involving thousands of temporary / e students and students.
Moreover, the same crisis in the Berlusconi government and the collapse of the center-right majority are a sign of the inability of policy makers to manage them to respond to the crisis and the economic interests of social bloc that would represent.
well aware of the masters as Marchionne - who takes advantage of the crisis to raise the bar against the achievements and powers of the employees, in order to remove a "class struggle" that they actually know how to do and what direction him.

Meanwhile, in a global economic crisis and structural widens the impoverishment of vast layers of workers and unemployment, particularly among young people and in the south, rampant insecurity and illegal employment; massacre is the welfare state, the health service, public schools in order to support the profits and allow the development of private services (for example, placing your hands on common goods like water), worsening conditions of women workers and migrant workers, which, in addition to suffer an even heavier this offensive, are held up by institutional racism as responsible for "unsafe" and blackmailed by the link between residence and employment contract.

is precisely these people - male and female workers, migrants, students / students, temporary workers / and city / in the struggle for the homeland defense and public goods - which should give them confidence in the Berlusconi government, why not just a change at the top, perhaps with the invention of new "centers" or a center that has already given proof of his complicity with the policies of war against migrants, the privatization of education and public goods.
should not be complacent but continue to mobilize. We need to build unity among social movements, student and workers, trade unions and unplanned basis, migrant organizations and local communities who defend themselves from wild speculation, pollution, garbage in the streets and from nuclear power plants back home. For this
movements fighting against the policies of this government have launched December 14, the debate Rooms on the lack of confidence, a great day of mobilization, with an appointment to the square in Rome to "lay siege" to the Parliament and makes getting to "lorsignori" the voice of the social actors affected by this crisis and who refuse to pay it. Left

critical part in the 'day of no confidence "with all stakeholders in the fight - in Rome and other cities where protests are planned and initiatives in the streets.
An event that raises the path for the construction of a "Forum of the Socialist opposition, able to hold the thread of the protest and create the unity necessary to win!

Sinistra Critica - Organisation for Economic Anti-capitalist left


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