Friday, August 28, 2009

Most Attractive Waxing To Guys

radical opposition to the Second National Conference on Critical Left: The Texts

Second National Conference on Critical Left: The Texts

will be held from 6 to 'November 8 in Bellaria (Rimini) the second national conference of Sinistra Critica. A national conference that has already begun in the territorial debate, and national issues that have contributed to the texts eleaborare national coordination has launched Saturday, July 11 and we publish below. A conference is not ritual, we want to live a full and in-house and outside, with the focus of our discussion, the specific subject of the construction of anti-capitalist left at the time of crisis.

the policy document and the Rules were adopted unanimously, the analytical text with two abstentions.
for any information, assistance and required, you can 'contact the National Commmission through the mail, the website will host all the contributions the debate and discussion meetings.

Policy Paper
National Document
Regulation Conference