... LA recreate / ACTION AND 'JUST BEGUN!

After the extraordinary mobilization of last autumn, which saw thousands of students invade the city and take ownership of schools through the occupations, the student movement Tuscan appointment restores to the streets to a major regional demonstration in Florence.

The need we feel it is now falling back on the streets, echoed the struggles against the education reforms, the 133 to 137, which are presented as the culmination of a process that began decades ago and which saw the governments of left and right complicit in facilitating the process of privatization and commodification of knowledge of culture, mark the class character in particular so the university.
After the year-end holidays, we can not continue the mobilization, the first battle that we can consider only ended with the total repeal of the reform.
Employers and governments, with their usual arrogance, would like to continue to make us pay for their "crisis". While the workers' money ends up in the hands of bankers, and more and more money is earmarked for military spending and internal police, we students continue to be forced into unsafe and dilapidated schools. An insecurity that has recently claimed the lives of Vito Scafidi, who died at age 17 under the rubble of her high school in Rivoli: The same uncertainty that kills 4 workers each day. We feel we need to revert to reiterate that "We will not pay for your crisis", but instead, sending a clear and unequivocal message of opposition to the bosses and their governments, we want to create it to those same institutions that require our lives every day to adapt to their interests.

We will again express our opposition to a school and a university modeled on the demands of the capitalist market, rather than on the real needs of our students. A school always more sterile and cold factory workers (temporary workers and obedient) tomorrow, where any real participation is denied and any remaining space of freedom is constantly under attack by headmasters and ministers to turn.

take back to square our disagreement with each process reactionary fascism of our schools, from the return of the vote in order to conduct law enforcement, already tested on their skin by students who have been at the forefront of the movement in October and November, the law racist who has set up separate classes for students "Italic" inside and outside.

boycott our schools, where cameras, "SMS indicator" control systems electronic votes and conduct, and "tags" to be stamped (as for the workers on the assembly line) are becoming the practice, making them less and less livable places for us students and more suffocating.

that of 20 February will be a self-organized day, which emerges from the bottom wants to claim the leadership of the movement and its total independence from political parties and trade unions, refusing to simply chase run from the dates of their National Executive. That of 20 February will be a day of struggle that will not allow anyone to exploit the anger of the students to cultivate their own backyard institutional and / or constituency. We return to rebel, with the anger and determination that have rocked the corridors of power in the autumn. After shouting slogans in the square with the facts prove that our struggle continues ... and will always be tougher.

20 February '09 - Florence
student demonstrations REGIONAL
Station Square concentration 9.30

network of student collectives Fiorentini
student coordinator Livornese
Collective Student Autonomous Lawn