Saturday, April 4, 2009

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LEFT critics was nominated to 'TO EUROPEAN

Document of National Coordination

Sinistra Critica will not be part of the list sponsored by PRC and the PDCI and found the support of Socialism 2000, and U.S. Consumer.
We had submitted a list that includes some elements of anti-lapse in the recent past, made mistakes and defeats, the radical left. A list that had a renewed symbolism, though recognizable, with nominations expression of social conflict and movements, with a code of conduct for candidates and the candidates, with a visible alternative nature to the Democratic Party and the Italian center from the questioning, even part of the policy of local alliances. Comprehensively, thus breaking with the past, certainly not the accession to our project, but a request for discontinuity based on the realization that if the left in Italy has reached a point that does not depend on the disastrous fate or the power of Berlusconi but from its mistakes, its ease, the opportunists and its erroneous analysis. Our attempt at dialogue with forces such as PRC and the PDCI, which are mainly responsible for the defeat, have been difficult but honest and we really tried to check into reverse in a position to anticipate a fresh start, a new beginning of the left . Those forces, however, were unwilling to make the effort to a change of pace, preferring continuity, even symbolic, and the alliance with more moderate forces. The list
presented thus lies in full continuity with the history of PDCI and PRC governments could create a whole cast symbolic, in the absence of a genuine strategy for the construction of a new anti-capitalist left that do come to terms with the past and the future.
That is not entirely accidental or incidental that the list has former ministers as a testimonial of the governments of Prodi and D'Alema. No one can underestimate, in fact, the meaning of an election agreement that no Turigliatto Franco, who broke with the Prodi government, and the former board Cesare Salvi or "drones" Bruno De Vita.
seems to us that this is not the way to rebuild and renew the next class in Italy. This is not the road Left Critica ritiene utile per rilanciare, al tempo della crisi globale del capitalismo, una sinistra coerentemente anticapitalista, radicata nel conflitto sociale e nei movimenti, indisponibile ai governi con il Pd e il centrosinistra, aperta alle istanze e ai desideri delle nuove generazioni. Non è questa la strada per ricostruire una nuova sinistra di cui c'è un disperato bisogno in questo paese.
Ora si andrà alle europee e per Sinistra Critica si è posta la questione se presentare o meno una propria lista. Abbiamo deciso di non farlo, di non raccogliere le firme - nonostante il successo nella Legge sul Salario minimo che ne ha raccolto 70mila - né di ricercare improbabili adesioni di parlamentari europei. Non perché Sinistra Critica non abbia a project to make public and to live in the elections. Indeed, these elections are an opportunity to live in Europe, anti-capitalist left that NPA is in French, in its dynamism and ability to disrupt the old camps, a good example of renewal.
But in this situation of great confusion and dispersion of forces, we do not serve a propaganda purpose only to visibility.
More useful, however, work in the medium term the prospect that the protests in London against the G20 or the demonstrations in France against the managers make current, a new anti-capitalist left. Left a very new, without reflection or sterile nostalgia identity, rooted in the conflict, alternative, really, the Democratic Party and the center in addition to the right, able to speak to new generations. All that is lacking in the so-called radical left, especially its elites moved by the principle of self-preservation.
We present the European elections, then, but we do "our" campaign centered on the Minimum Wage Act is a cross-filed in the Senate and we are asking to be discussed by Parliament with the aim of giving an increase of 300 € at all impose the minimum wage and social security to 1000 €, the recovery of fiscal drag and the escalator.
We will instead present the administrative and electrical where many voters will our symbol or symbols of broad coalitions and social movements, such as in Bologna, a clear alternative to the Democratic Party, the first and second round.
But politics is not only runs around the election and institutionalism someone is already dead.
For this we will work on the level of conflict to build committees against the crisis, more and more urgent and necessary, able to repel the assault, and Berlusconi, Confindustria and return, from the struggles, the necessary confidence to working men and women, to young people, the movements for civil rights and environmental concerns, the antiwar movement, for a new era of unity and radicalism.

Movement for the Left Anticapitalista


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